Market Research

We can ensure our brands can develop in the countries we operate in.

Brand Marketing

We can provide a complete selection of marketing possibilites for our partners to choose from.

Value-Added Distribution

We are continously working to help improve your brand’s market potential with feedbacks and ideas.

Value-Added Distribution

We are not just boxmovers. We understand the value of your brand and the importance of pro- and re-active communication. We are continously working to help improve your brand’s market potential with feedbacks and ideas.

We are proudly taking ownership of representing your brand in the CEE region.

We take care of all business aspects of your brand in the region unlike normal distribution companies. They only arrange logistics of your products, provide a limited sales channel where they sell the products, other than these traditional distributors have very little to offer.

Our uniqueness comes from the variaty of services we offer for our partners:

  1. Localisation of all necessary documents for all countries required by the respecticve country’s requirements
  2. Native translation of product titles, descriptions and sales sheets
  3. Product database management
  4. Product photos
  5. Feedbacks for developments
  1. Channel management
  2. Key Account management
  3. Pricing management
  4. Market integrity management
  5. Retail assortment management
  1. Social Media
  2. PR
  3. Online display
  4. In-Store
  5. Events and conventions
  1. Efficient logistics throughout Europe
  2. Quick shipments within CEE, taking advantage of Hungary’s good location
  3. Cost efficient logistics also from North America and China
  1. Complete after-sales activities including testing and servicing

Market Research

Market research is a never ending process in order to always stay up-to-date with current market needs, current trends, and possible trends of the future.

We always adhere to the above statement, our partners can trust our knowledge and judgement about the region, so together we can always be one step ahead of the competition.

Step 1.

We gather information of the categories in which the brand operates in from the countries we have sales channels.

We process the data collected, the results will contain information about:

Step 2.

We analyze together with the brand the compiled database. The results of the analysis should including but not limited to the following information:

Step 3.

Through the comprehensive knowledge we obtained throughout the years we create a business plan for the starting 12 months of cooperation, and a short-term business plan draft for the second and third years of cooperion. This plan will include:

Step 4.

In order to achieve the end results set in the business plan we have to review results frequently. We can time these review together with the brand, but our standard timing are as follows:

Brand Marketing

We can provide a complete selection of marketing possibilites for our partners to choose from.

Social Media

Brand Marketing

We manage several Social Media platforms for our brands. HU platforms manages in-house all other territories are managed through our partners or marketing agencies.

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PR Campaigns

Brand Marketing

We work with multiple marketing agencies in the CEE region providing many communication channels for our vendors.


Brand Marketing

With the help of these agencies we use relevant websites to help our retail partners find the products in their shops.

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Brand Marketing

For selected Retailers we provide merchandising guidelines and/or personell to achieve the best presentiations of our products.


Brand Marketing

There are many other possibilities in the field of marketing that we offer for our Vendors. One major being present at large events / conventions for the relevant target audience.